View The Sabbath – Telugu


Explanation Of Sabbath From Genesis To Revelation

1888 in stock

In this day of such widespread desecration of the Sabbath Day, there’s a special need for someone to raise a voice of alarm, and to point us back to what the Sabbath really stands for. Someone needs to lead the people through enlightening Bible truth, back to its proper observance.

Brother Poe has responded to this great need by writing this little volume. I have received personal profit from reading its pages. The truth presented makes common sense. The chapter titles appeal to the spiritual tastebuds, creating an appetite to read on with relish and to feast upon such good truth.

There are some thought-provoking statements presented concerning labour to be accomplished on the Sabbath Day. These are based upon Bible principles.
I have not been acquainted with the author for many years, but have found him to be a saint with a tender, loving heart and a keen mind. I recommend his book heartily. Be sure and read it. You’ll be glad you did. It should be in every preacher’s library.

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