Soul Winners Secret – Telugu


992 in stock

Samuel Logan Brengle (1860-1936) was an American Methodist born in Indiana who joined the Salvation Army in the 1890s. He was mightily used of the Lord–even more so through his many books. He was described by one observer as a kindly, literate and articulate man who left good memories with nearly everyone he met.

Like Colonel Brengle’s other books, this new volume from his facile pen is intensely practical. It is a natural sequel to his previous books on holiness. It will be especially welcome to those, who have been taught to regard soul winning as the main business of their lives.

Many who have hitherto neglected this branch of duty, and have suffered in their own souls as a consequence will surely be inspired by these pages to rise up and make a new start. Certainly, none can read the book without getting a fresh impetus to do and dare for God and souls, and none who carry out these instructions can fail to become in the highest, noblest and most lasting sense, successful soul winners. -F. Booth Tucker

SKU: Atmalanu Pattu Jalari Rahasyalu
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Weight 0.0 kg
Dimensions 0.0 × 0.0 × 0.0 cm

