Hudson Taylor’s Christian example has become a royal gemstone that continues to brightly glitter and challenge many, even to this day. His steps of faith as a young man in the daunting mission fields of 19th-century London were his apprenticeship that resulted in, even today, his being a greatly-loved emissary of God’s grace to hundreds of thousands in China. From a tentative beginning in Shanghai, with little or no support from anyone, Taylor’s life was given eventually to form one of the largest Christian Missionary organizations in the world, OMF (Overseas Missionary Fellowship), which ministers today to millions throughout Asia and all over the world. His walk of faith in the face of much criticism, even from well-meaning Christian friends, personal attacks on his life, disease and sickness, and the rigors of an often oppressive climate, were God’s instruments for making him a lasting blessing. The narrative makes it abundantly clear that any contemporary Christian — willing to pray through — can overcome fear and unbelief bring life to their friends and family drowning in unbelief. A gripping account — don’t miss it!
Hudson Taylor – Telugu
The Man Who Believed God.
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