The Dynamic Of Faith – Telugu

By (author)Paget Wilkes A


709 in stock

WE are living in solemn days. Iniquity abounds. The love of many waxes cold. Many are falling away. Heeding not the word of the Lord, that false Christs and false prophets shall arise, doing signs and wonders, which shall, if possible, deceive the very elect, many church members, who see the lack of supernatural power in the churches, vainly suppose that every manifestation of the miraculous must be of God. They do see many such manifestations elsewhere-undoubtedly authenticated; but as they deny the existence of any such thing as an angel of light, alas! speedily deceived, they flock headlong into the Satanic institutions of Christian Science,
Spiritism, and Theosophy. Truly we seem to be nearing the time when those awful words are to be fulfilled:” God shall send men a delusion that they
lie, because they received not the love of the truth.”

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