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Letter from the President

Dear friends,
…In a day and age when insecurity and fear keep nagging people, you can be FREE. The Living God is still speaking to people. Men of many religious backgrounds and those long since convinced in their atheism have been meeting the Living Saviour. Peace and power are well within your grasp.
…”Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”, says the Lord Jesus Christ. (KJV Matthew 11:28,29)
Jesus Loves You!

-Joshua Daniel

Featured Authors


Having learnt many precious lessons at the Feet of the Lord Jesus, Mrs. N.D. Daniel lived with the one desire,to learn Christ, to live Christ and to glorify Christ. Her books have been a great blessing to many thousands in several nations. -Mrs.N.D.Daniel

Joshua Daniel

Writing and publishing incessantly in several countries, reaching out to new nations and breaking fresh ground all the time, Joshua Daniel labours with a great burden and zeal to reach the unreached. His books are a great blessing to many around the world, as he shares from his deep experience of a close walk with God. – Joshua Daniel


D.L. Moody (1837-1899) was an American evangelist and publisher who was used of God mightily to reach many thousands. His writings show his intimate walk with God and his deep understanding of the Scriptures.- D.L.Moody

Samuel Logan Brengle

Samuel Logan Brengle (1860-1936) was an American Methodist born in Indiana who joined the Salvation Army in the 1890s. He was mightily used of the Lord even more so through his many books. He was described by one observer as a kindly, literate and articulate man who left good memories with nearly everyone he met.- Samuel Logan Brengle